Daviess County High School Basketball Camp 2013

At Daviess County High School

Daviess County High School Panthers men’s basketball team will conduct a basketball camp this summer for boys and girls. Head Coach Pat Hume, his coaching staff, and several of his players will serve as camp instructors. The sessions are designed as teaching camps that emphasize the fundamentals of the game of basketball.

The camp will be held at Daviess County High School in the Main Gym on Monday, June 3rd – Thursday, June 6th from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. for students in the 1st – 7th grade for the 2012-2013 school year.

  •   Individual Camp – June 3-6 (2012-2013 Grades 1-7)
  •         8:30 am–11:30 pm 


  • Where: Daviess County High School Panther Gym
  • Cost: $50 per Camper-Before May 27th (early bird special)**
  • $60 per Camper-After May 27th
  • 2nd child from same immediate family: $35
  • 3rd: $20

Mail Checks to:

Daviess County High School

Pat Hume

4255 New Hartford Road, Owensboro, KY 42303

Registration will start at 7:45 am and will be in the lobby outside of the gym, located on the back side of DCHS. Early registration is encouraged.

Camp Highlights: Individual instruction, individual and team competition, daily contests and awards, and camp T-shirt

Concessions: Drinks, candy, and basketball gear will be available for purchase. Campers will be allowed to keep money in a bank account at the concession stand for the duration of camp if desired.

*For any additional questions, please email Pat Hume: pat.hume@daviess.kyschools.us

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