All-Star Baseball Showcase Players Announced – 3rd Region vs. 4th Region

The best of the best 3rd region, and 4th region sophomore and junior All-Star baseball players will square off on Saturday June 22nd at the Hot Rods Stadium in Bowling Green.  Below is a list of players selected to this years All-Star team.

Hot Rods All- Star Showcase Itinerary
Away team: Region 3 (Orange) Home Team: Region 4 (Navy)
Noon: Sophomore Check-in / Jersey Pick Up
1 PM: Gates Open
1 PM-1:15 PM: Region 3 Sophomore in-and-outs
1:15 PM-1:30 PM: Region 4 Sophomore in-and-outs
1:30 PM – 2 PM: Field Prep
2 PM-2:05 PM: Starting Lineups and National Anthem
2:05 PM: First Pitch
4 PM: Junior Check-in / Jersey Pick Up
5 PM-5:15 PM: Region 3 Juniors in-and-outs
5:15 PM-5:30 PM: Region 4 Juniors in-and-outs
5:30 PM – 6 PM: Field Prep
6 PM-6:05 PM: Starting Lineups
6:05 PM: First Pitch

3rd Region v 4th Region Hot Rods All-Star Showcase 2019

3rd Region Sophomore Roster
Head Coach
Derek Hibbs (Owensboro Catholic)

Breckinridge County
Eric Barr
Cameron Shaw
Butler County
Carter Graham
Grayson County
Gavin Childress
Dain Hawkins
Mason Miller
Nate Pennington
Meade County
Dylan Abell
Tucker Crawley
Ohio County
Brandon Davis
Owensboro Catholic
Finley Munsey
Hunter Small

3rd Region Junior Roster All-Stars
Head Coach
Jeremy Bennett (Breckinridge County)

Breckinridge County
Jacob Ball
Preston Cottrell
Brock Lucas
Kaeveon Mitchell
Grayson County
Briley Napier
Damon Simon
Cain Smith
Hancock County
Dylan O’Bryan
Ohio County
Wade Everley
Jordan Tolle
Nick Belcher
Braxton French
Tucker Hagan
Isaac Humphrey

4th Region Sophomore Roster
Head Coach
Nathan Isenberg (Bowling Green)
Allen Co-Scottsville
Matthew Brown
Bowling Green
Maddox Burr
Eli Burwash
Tyler Lane
Cole Stephens
Wesley Flowers
Braxton Garner
Cade Thornton
Logan County
Braxton Baptiste
Macon Barrow
Jaxon Hendrix
Russell County
Nick Aaron
CJ Vonfumetti
South Warren
Dane Isabel
Logan Smith
Todd Co-Central
Ethan Bicksler
Warren East
Nolan Ford

4th Region Junior Roster
Head Coach
Chris Gage (South Warren)
Allen Co-Scottsville
Zane Ward
Bowling Green
Carson Kelley
Charlie Key
Geoffrey Ross
Tanner Abernathy
Jaden Franklin
Nick Sorrell
Dell Henk
Lance Upright
Logan County
Riley Ferguson
Braxton Meguiar
Parker White
Russell County
Hunter Thomas
South Warren
Adam Burns
Cade Vernon
Warren Central
Jordan Miller
Noah Thomas