Response to change in Region Tournaments

vincentWarren East AD Jonathan Vincent

“Warren East voted for WKU each time but there are pros and cons with both. With being at the high school level, financially it will benefit all high schools involved exponentially. Also with being at high schools, the overall crowd effect should be enhanced with the crowds being closer to the games. It will create an environment that each player will always remember. Sure you lose getting to play at Diddle Arena which is a major experience all kids want but it is still the region tournament which is a major experience by itself.”

StunsonWarren Central AD Chris Stunson

“The change of venue for the regional tournament was a ruling in favor of the minority group of regional athletic directors. The vote was Locked at 11-6 and we must have 2/3’s. Majority for votes to pass.   At the end of the day, this ruling impacts our senior athletes the most.  For those seniors who may not go on to play college athletics and have the opportunity to experience playing in a collegiate arena, it’s like a diminished dream, as only one team will go to state. When the ruling was made available, that was the first response for many of our athletes.  On the boys side, the selected site may be the most neutral of the sites that could host, however, on the girls side you give a regional favorite home court advantage throughout the tournament.

The next decision on the table is the division of proceeds.  It has already been proposed that all regional schools receive a portion of the proceeds. We would like to keep the proceeds exclusive to the regional participants, as the regional champion must pay for the trip to State and there should be a distinction made between those that make the tournament and those that don’t.   If this were to change, I’m sure we are only getting closer to the purchase participation trophies for all players in the 4th region.”

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