Warren East Cross Country

Warren East traveled to Berea for a meet that included 18 teams. The boys placed 2nd. Jacob England led the Raiders with a 2nd place finish (17:14). Jerrod Eleazer finished 17th (18:24) ahead of teammate Calvin Blankenship (18:25). Dalton Sledge finished 24th (18:34) ahead of teammate Jacob Williams (18:41 – 25th) and Colton Bullington (18:42 – 26th), who led the Raider “B” team to a 10th place team finish. The lady Raiders finish 5th place out of 16 teams. Emma Self placed 9th (21:47), Jordan Cummings finished 31st (24:17), Madeline Elder placed 33rd (24:23), Cady Schoeck placed 41st (25:35), Hailey Caftel finished 43rd (25:43), and Kyleigh Boucher placed 45th (26:12).

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